miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

Agencia internacional de Noticias REUTERS, publica proyectos TIC

La agencia internacional de noticias Reuters, publico un informe sobre proyectos de la Orientación TIC de la Escuela Técnica ORT Sede Belgrano.
Trascripción de algunos párrafos de la nota (en ingles)

Argentine students have developed a low-cost system that allows people with severe disabilities to access the internet. While clicking a computer mouse is taken for granted by most people, it's a click too far for those who cannot use their hands. Now however, at little cost, the doors to the internet are open to all.
Two 18-year-old students developed a software and webcam system so that one of their friend's who suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) could use the computer.

"The interesting thing about the Eye Mouse is you can download the software for free from the school's website and the only cost that you would have is to create the helmet which includes a webcam, not a special webcam, any typical webcam that would cost around 100 pesos. After that you only need everyday elements you can buy in any hardware store. We estimate that the cost would be 120 or 110 pesos (US$30)".
"I used to be able to use the mouse, a conventional mouse, but there came a moment when I could no longer use it. And well, they told me about this system. My friend developed it for me with the ORT [Technical School] and well, here we are".
That means that people like Nicolas Matias Rossi who is an SMA sufferer can control the computer with their eyes.

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